Discourage crises that can lead to war – Former Biafran warlords Advice

Any crises in Nigeria that have the potential to lead to another civil war must be discouraged....CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING.>>

Two octogenarians who commanded the Biafra sector of Onitsha during the Nigeria civil war gave strong advice in Calabar during separate interviews.…..For More READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶

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Both recalled the terrible experiences of the 1967-1970 war and said it is not something that should be repeated in the country.

Col. Lekam Offem Okoi, rtd, former ADC to the head of the defunct Biafra nation and Col. Afaha Assam Nsudoh, rtd, spoke to our correspondent.

Lekam Okoi, now a lawyer, said, “I advise that agitators take constitutional means, not actions that will lead to another crisis.

“Crisis will not help us. I am not in any way praying for another war. We should not start killing ourselves again because of stupidity and selfishness.

“I will never support another war in Nigeria. The younger ones should ask us what war is. Those agitating for Biafra should desist. Let any aggrieved persons state their pains constitutionally.”

Okoi who later commanded the Special Division, an elite force created by the late head of state of Biafra, Chukwuemeka Ojukwu, said there was nothing wrong with asking for restructuring of the country but that extra care must be applied in the process.

He called for patience and prayers. “I advise that people should be patient with the government.”

Col Nsudoh who also bared his mind, said his major regret was having to fight against his brothers and friends in the army.

“The war suddenly divided friends, colleagues and brothers whom we were so used to, ate together, slept together and did everything together before the war. Then we began to kill ourselves. That’s my greatest regret in life!

“My candid advice is that Nigerians should love and forgive themselves.

“All these people inciting and agitating for another war in Nigeria, I caution you to desist. You don’t know what you are instigating. Nothing that will lead this country to another war should be encouraged.

“My feelings against war is very strong. So the renewed call for secession is very unnecessary.

“The Igbos should be part of Nigeria. The Igbos should not be marginalized. It’ll be the best thing for Nigeria if they’re given equal opportunities.”…..For More READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶