Don’t just marry a woman with good character. Stop giving your commitment to beautiful liabilities.


Don’t just marry a woman with good character.  Stop giving your commitment to beautiful liabilities. In choosing a wife for yourself, choose a virtuous woman who can work and is equally productive as you, not a financial liability.

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Dont settle for just her good character alone. Good character without a productive mind and useful hands is also a liability that can end in the streets should things go sour for you. She must develop her mind and hands also to keep you.

She must be productive and love work. She ought to be able to provide and fend for herself and not depend on you for everything and anything. Your giving must solely be an expression of your love for her and support to her, and not to keep her. Why am I telling you this?

Listen, hunger has a way of making many good and virtuous women lose their morals, values, home training, and character for money. Many good girls today have gone bad just because their financial sponsor and support was taken away due to death, illness, breakup or inability to no longer care for them and they themselves couldn’t fend for themselves and families in return so the switched and compromised themselves.

Your choice of a woman must not only be beautiful and have good character, but she must know how to make money for herself using her mind and hands, not her body. It is easier for a woman who has good character, sound morals, virtue, and can make her own money, to resist temptations and stay faithful to you should things get bad or difficult for you temporarily in the future.

A woman incapable of paying her own bills without you will run out for help on the streets and dent her character, integrity and virtue as a result. No free help anywhere!

Marry a productive hand. Character and virtue without productivity can be easily compromised. It’s just a matter of the right time, condition, environment, problem and price. Many women have broken their virtues and ignored their character just because of money and the inability to provide for themselves.

Money is a shield and a defence especially for women. It shields women for a life and career on the street. Most of the bad girls on the streets today were once good girls that hunger and situations chased into the street to fend for themselves because they never developed their hands and minds.

If that woman you’re with is more interested in buying clothes, fixing her nails, hair, clubbing than in developing her mind, running a business, and acquring relevant skills to become financially useful to herself and independent, she’s a liability for you despite her good English, nice shape and character. She lacks the sense, insight, and foresight needed to thrive in life. Leave her!

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