LAST MINUTE: How Zamfara people negotiate with Bello Turji to reduce ransom from 50M – 30M

Bulama Bukarti, a renowned security expert on violent extremism, recently highlighted the plight of residents in Moriki, a town in Zamfara State. According to Bukarti, the people of Moriki have been forced to negotiate with Bello Turji, a notorious Nigerian bandit and terrorist leader, to reduce a ransom he imposed on them from N50 million to N30 million.…..For More READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶

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The ransom stems from the alleged killing of Turji’s cattle by the new commandant of the army base stationed in Moriki. Despite the commandant’s apology and promise not to harm Turji’s animals in the future, residents remain in a precarious position, having little faith in these assurances due to the region’s ongoing lawlessness.

To meet the N30 million ransom, each family head in Moriki is required to contribute N10,000, while unmarried adults must pay N2,000. Although these demands amount to extortion, many residents feel compelled to comply out of fear. If the town fails to pay the ransom by Wednesday, many fear Turji will retaliate with violence. Given his brutal reputation and the limited capacity of security forces, their anxiety is understandable…..For More READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶