My Mom Pushed Me to Date a Yahoo Plus Boy, and This Is What Happened

I completed high school years ago. Life was difficult since my dad was not working, and he still isn’t. My mom’s business had also collapsed. My mom’s sister, a seamstress, decided to train me in sewing since I had a love and interest in fashion. I’m the first child of my parents, and I have five siblings. We used to be seven, but one died due to a lack of proper medical care.…..For More READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶

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During my off days at my auntie’s shop, I would help my mom sell fried yam and fish by the roadside. There was this guy who was a regular customer of my mom. I always saw him during my off days when he came to buy yam. My mom told me he was a loyal customer. Every time he bought yam and fish for five cedis, he would hand my mom a hundred cedi note and tell her to keep the change.

One day, my mom introduced me to him as her daughter. From then on, whenever he came by, my mom would ask me to serve him his fried yam and fish. One day, after buying the yam, he gave me 500 Ghana cedis as a gift. I was shocked to the core because no one had ever given me such money in my life. My mom saw it and thanked him immediately.

It didn’t stop there. He continued giving me money every time he came by. Sometimes 500 cedis, other times 300, and one day, he even gave me 1,000 Ghana cedis. I was completely shocked. Eventually, my mom stopped taking money from him when he came to buy yam because he had been so good to us. But before leaving, he would still give us money.

I sat down with my mom to talk about this guy, and I asked if she knew what kind of work he did. She said she had no idea, which was strange. One time, he came by and brought me a brand new iPhone. At that time, the only phone I had was an old “Yam” phone, so I was excited. We exchanged contacts that day and began talking regularly during my breaks at work, at night, and when he came to buy yam.

Fast forward, my mom started advising me to dress better when I went to the roadside, wearing clothes above my knee to entice him. She said I needed to look “hot” and attractive for him. Let’s call him Kwaku.

When Kwaku saw me dressed up looking more attractive, he told me he wanted to take me on a date during the weekend. Immediately, my mom approved it without even allowing me to think about it. That weekend, before Kwaku came to pick me up, my mom advised me to let him touch me and not to complain because, according to her, no guy would do all the things Kwaku had done for me without expecting something in return. Since she’s my mom, I listened.

We went to the beach, had fun, got to know each other better, ate, and drank. At the end of the day, Kwaku proposed to me. I remember my mom’s words, so I accepted his proposal without thinking twice. I excused myself to the washroom, called my mom, and told her Kwaku had proposed. She was ecstatic and told me not to come home if Kwaku wanted me to spend the night with him.

When I returned from the washroom, lo and behold, Kwaku asked me to spend the night with him at his home. I went with him, and I was shocked when we arrived. He lived in a luxurious home. He told me I could come over whenever I wanted. That night, we had sex. Afterwards, I wanted to clean up, but Kwaku told me to relax. He took a white handkerchief and cleaned my private parts for me.

The next morning, Kwaku gave me 8,000 Ghana cedis for shopping. I was stunned. When I went home, I told my mom, and she took the money. This routine continued for about three months. My mom would tell me to go and stay with Kwaku for a week. Whenever I was at his place, I felt a strange heaviness. Sometimes I would hear crying or laughing when he wasn’t home. I told my mom, but she dismissed it, saying I was complaining about unnecessary things.

I also told her about Kwaku’s odd behavior—how he would wake up in the middle of the night, strip naked, and stand outside, staring in one direction. Again, my mom told me I wasn’t serious.

Then came an unexpected day. One morning, I suddenly felt weak and started vomiting. My mom checked my pulse and suggested I go to the hospital. I did several tests, but the doctor said I was fine. I insisted I wasn’t, but he didn’t listen. That night, when I slept, I dreamt of being in Kwaku’s house. I heard babies crying and people laughing. I woke up, and my heart was racing. I told my mom, but she dismissed it as just a dream.

Things got worse. My private parts started smelling horrible, and brown and green liquid began oozing from me. Flies would gather around me when I sat outside, and I found worms in my underwear after doing laundry. I told Kwaku, but he said nothing and eventually told me not to call him anymore. I went to his house, but his neighbors said they hadn’t seen him in a while. I kept calling, but his number no longer went through. I didn’t know his family or friends, and no one knew his whereabouts.

I told a friend about what I was going through, and she took me to her prophet. The prophet told me that Kwaku was a Sakawa boy, and spiritually, he had been using me for a sacrifice. He said my mom’s greed allowed this to happen, and now my soul was at risk. According to him, there was nothing he could do because my soul was too far gone. He warned that my days were numbered.

Now, I’m scared of death. I don’t want to die. My private parts still smell terrible, and I keep vomiting blood. I’ve lost everything, and I blame my mom for pushing me into this because of money.

Please, share my story so it serves as a warning to other young girls whose mothers push them into harmful situations for money.

Wow! A lot is happening in this world. We all need to be careful. What are your thoughts on this story? Thank you for reading.…..For More READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶