NLC Addresses President Tinubu on Removal from Statutory Boards

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has written a protest letter to President Bola Tinubu to complain of the Congress being de-listed from statutory boards due to inexplicable reasons.

Daily Independent gathered from a reliable source that the Congress, dissatisfied of been de-listed from statutory boards due to inexplicable reasons, requested that the President Tinubu should cause for the reversal the decisions.

The source also disclosed to Daily Independent that in situations where the NLC was not de-listed, such boards are not inaugurated.

According to the source: “the latest in this vindictive war is the removal of NLC from the board of Nigeria Educational Loans Fund (NELFUND)

“Shortly after the representative of NLC attended two meetings and asked probing questions, an amendment to the Act was taken to the National Assembly de-listing NLC within a record time of two days or less”.

“Similarly, when we protested our exclusion from the Tax Board, assurances were given that we would be listed on the board. However, up till the time of writing this letter to Mr. President, that has not been done, yet workers represent the largest community of tax payers.

“We have other instances of de-listing but would rather not mention them for now.

“Among boards yet to be inaugurated where Congress has instititional representation are PenCom, NISTF, NDE and National Productivity Centre.

“No reason has been adduced for this, but we do suspect our only possible crime is our culture of crticism or openness.

“We are concerned by the declaration of this hybrid war as it precludes us from rendering service to our members.

“We are equally worried that at a time governments and institutions around the world are going increasingly transparent, we seem to be going opaque”, the source revealed.

The source, however, said the Congress has implore President Tinubu to direct that the boards with NLC statutory representation be inaugurated without further delay.

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